Free Fitness Trackers

Free Fitness Trackers

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So you want to start tracking your activity throughout the day, but you’re not quite sure yet if you should invest in a dedicated fitness tracker?  Here are some ways to start tracking yourself for free.

Please note that this article will be updated as new apps and services become available.

Moves for iPhone and Android: Your iPhone has some fancy gyroscopes inside of it already, so why not put them to good use?  Moves is one of the first activity trackers to hit the App Store.  It can record your daily walking, cycling and running and can calculate the number of calories burned for each activity.  However, it uses your phone’s GPS to help calculate distances and activities, which may lead to decreased battery life.

Nike+ Move for iPhone 5S only: Announced alongside the iPhone 5S, this app uses the phone’s new M7 processor to track your daily activity level without significantly impacting battery life.  However, it tracks your activity in “Nike Fuel” which isn’t an exact science: it’s hard too know how many calories you burned. It does provide nice graphs of your activity throughout the day and allows you to compete against your Game Center friends in iOS to see who is the most active (with their phone).


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